#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp UP arb_merge_workflow.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) #SUB subtopic.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Transfer Configurations OCCURRENCE ARB_MERGE/Transfer configurations DESCRIPTION Transfers editor configurations (=species selections). Press the 'Transfer configurations' button of the 'ARB_MERGE' window to display the 'MERGE CONFIGS' window. Select a source config in the left subwindow (which shows all configurations of the source DB) and press 'Transfer Config' to copy it into the target DB. You may not overwrite existing configurations, instead you need to delete them from or rename them in the target DB. To delete or rename a configuration, select it and use the 'Delete' or 'Rename' buttons below the selection list. NOTES An example macro ("keep_listed_speciesSelections.amc") is delivered together with ARB, which allows to delete all unwanted species selections from a database, by defining a list of all species selections to keep. That macro can be found using the file-prompter under LINK{macro.hlp} (see EXAMPLES section there). EXAMPLES None WARNINGS None BUGS No bugs known