#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp UP arb_edit.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB ne_align_seq.hlp SUB insdelchar.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Synchronize Cursor OCCURRENCE ARB_EDIT/ETC/Synchronize Cursor Position DESCRIPTION Synchronizes the editor and other tools. Choose the 'Synchronize Cursor Position' item from the 'ARB_EDIT/ETC' menu. The cursor position is recognized by other tools such as 'ARB_EDIT/EDIT/Align Sequence' or 'ARB_NT/Sequence/Admin/INS/DEL CHAR'. Choose the 'Don't Synchronize Cursor' item from the 'ARB_EDIT/ETC' menu to restore the default status. NOTES Working with synchronized cursor reduces the performance (speed) of the editor. EXAMPLES None WARNINGS None BUGS No bugs known