/*ARBDB ASCII*/ species_data %% (% species :5000 %% (% name :7600 "MycTuber" acc "S45301 X58890" full_name :4400 "Mycobacterium tuberculosis " %) /*species*/ species :5000 %% (% name :7600 "MycLepra" acc "X53999" full_name :4400 "Mycobacterium leprae" %) /*species*/ species :5000 %% (% name :7600 "MycChlor" acc "X79094" full_name :4400 "Mycobacterium chlorophenolicus" %) /*species*/ species :5000 %% (% name :7600 "ActUtahe" acc "X80823" comment "comment" full_name "Act;ino\tplanes uta,hen.sis\n" %) /*species*/ species :5000 %% (% name :7600 "BifBifid" acc "S83624" full_name :4400 "Bifidobacterium bifidum " %) /*species*/ species :5000 %% (% name :7600 "ClavXyli" acc "M60935" full_name :4400 "Clavibacter xyli " %) /*species*/ species :5000 %% (% name :7600 "StpGrise" acc "M76388 X55435 X61478" full_name :4400 "Streptomyces griseus" %) /*species*/ species :5000 %% (% name :7600 "StpAmbof" acc "M27245" comment "This is the comment for StpAmbof :-)" full_name :4400 "Streptomyces ambofaciens nomen falsus longus abscindere" %) /*species*/ species :5000 %% (% name :7600 "FraSpeci" acc "M88466" full_name :4400 "Frankia species" %) /*species*/ %) /*species_data*/ tree_data %% (% tree_pars %% (% tree "N0.00564972,0.0608575;N0.00757217,0.0338983;N0.0917852,0.00956938;N0.0650995,0.0217195;N0.019678,0.00626118;LMycLepra\ALMycTuber\ALMycChlor\AN0.0685558,0.0720803;LActUtahe\ALFraSpeci\AN0.160326,0.0886076;LBifBifid\ALClavXyli\AN0.0359712,0.029703;LStpAmbof\ALStpGrise\A" nnodes %i 8 remark "PRG=dnadist CORR=jukes_cantor FILTER=POS_VAR_BY_PARSIMONY PKG=ARB\n[created as copy of 'tree_NJ']" security %i 0 ruler %% (% size %f 0.1 LIST %% (% ruler_y %f 0 ruler_x %f 0 text_x %f 0 text_y %f 0 %) /*LIST*/ ruler_width %i 0 %) /*ruler*/ order %i 2 %) /*tree_pars*/ %) /*tree_data*/ description "db to test NDS" focus %% (% tree_name "tree_pars" %) /*focus*/ genom_db %i 0 sai_visualize %% (% %) /*sai_visualize*/ arb_presets %% (% viewkey %% (% key_text "name" len1 %i 12 pars "\"'\";dd;\"'\"" group %i 0 leaf %i 1 %) /*viewkey*/ viewkey %% (% key_text "full_name" len1 %i 30 pars ":chloro=\\n:myce=\\t" group %i 0 leaf %i 1 %) /*viewkey*/ viewkey %% (% key_text "" len1 %i 30 pars "taxonomy(1)" group %i 1 leaf %i 0 %) /*viewkey*/ viewkey %% (% key_text "acc" len1 %i 20 pars "\"acc=\";dd" group %i 0 leaf %i 1 %) /*viewkey*/ viewkey %% (% key_text "comment" len1 %i 0 pars "" group %i 0 leaf %i 1 %) /*viewkey*/ %) /*arb_presets*/