#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) #SUB subtopic.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Advices OCCURRENCE /Reactivate advices DESCRIPTION When advices pop up, you have the possibility to check the 'Do not advice me again' toggle. If you do so, ARB will not show that advice for the rest of the current ARB session. To deactivate it permanentely, you need to LINK{savedef.hlp}. SECTION Reactivation of disabled advices To reactivate any disabled advices for the rest of the current ARB session, use 'Reactivate advices' from the properties menu. To reactivate them permanentely, LINK{savedef.hlp} afterwards. NOTES None EXAMPLES None WARNINGS None BUGS No bugs known