#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp UP group_search.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB aci.hlp SUB srt.hlp SUB reg.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Rename taxonomic groups OCCURRENCE ARB_NT/Tree/Search groups/Rename... DESCRIPTION Allows to rename * the currently selected group or * all listed groups in one go. The input field at 'Selected group name' shows the name of the currently selected group. If you modify that field, the group will be renamed. The input field at 'Modify using ACI/SRT' allows scripted modification of group names: * for the currently selected group, the result (of applying that script to the groups name) will always be displayed behind 'Resulting group name' (if an error occurs, it will show there as well). * if you are satisfied with the result, press 'Apply to selected group' to actually change the groups name. * pressing 'Apply to all listed groups' will perform a batch rename for all listed groups. NOTES None EXAMPLES Example ACI/SRT expressions: Tag/untag groups by adding/removing prefixes: "[TAG] ";dd will prefix the group-name with "[TAG] " (using LINK{aci.hlp}) :[TAG]= will remove that prefix again (using LINK{srt.hlp}) /^\[TAG\]// dito (using LINK{reg.hlp}) /\[.*\]// remove multiple tag-prefixes SECTION Special ACI-commands (only valid in group rename!) hitidx returns the index of the current group (as listed in group-search hitlist). The index runs from 1 to N (with N=number of hits). hitcount returns the overall number of hits (as listed in hitlist). groupsize returns the size of the group. markedingroup returns the number of marked species in the group. nesting returns the nesting level of the group (=number of parent groups). aid returns the AID (=average ingroup distance) of the group (see LINK{group_search.hlp} for details). WARNINGS None BUGS No bugs known