#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) #SUB subtopic.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Selected species OCCURRENCE ARB_NT ARB_EDIT4 ARB_PARSIMONY DESCRIPTION One individual species can be "selected" at a time. We refer to it when talking about the "selected species". Selecting a species has several effects: * the database fields of the selected species get displayed in the LINK{sp_info.hlp} window, * the ID ('name') of the selected species will be displayed on the species info button in the upper right area of the ARB_NT main window, * the tree display of ARB_NT draws a box as indicator next to the selected species, * ARB_EDIT4 will jump to the selected species (see LINK{e4_get_species.hlp} for details), - this allows you e.g. to align the selected species (see LINK{faligner.hlp}) * ARB_SECEDIT will display the selected species (see LINK{arb_secedit.hlp}) * ARB_PARS can insert the selected species into an existing tree (see LINK{pa_quick.hlp}) * it can be used for filter generation (see LINK{sel_fil.hlp}) * LINK{input_mask.hlp} will normally display information from the selected species There are several ways to select a species: * in ARB_NT / ARB_PARSIMONY: * click on a species in the tree display (while in LINK{mode_select.hlp}) * search for species and select a species from the result list (see LINK{sp_search.hlp}) * select a LINK{probematch.hlp} * use the hotkeys described in LINK{nt_keys.hlp} (in section "Selecting species") * in ARB_EDIT4: * place the cursor into a species by clicking into the displayed sequence data * in ARB_DIST: * click on a species name in matrix display * select a detected cluster (see LINK{di_clusters.hlp}) while 'Select representative' is checked * in ARB_MERGE: * search for species and select a species from any result list (see LINK{mg_species.hlp}) * Please note that ARB_MERGE has one selected species for EACH involved database! SECTION Global sequence position Selecting a species in ARB_EDIT4 (by clicking into the sequence data), will also select a global cursor position. This cursor position is displayed in the ARB_EDIT4 top area (see LINK{e4.hlp}) and will be used * as insert/delete position by LINK{insdel.hlp} amd * as start of ORF by LINK{translate_dna_2_pro.hlp}. NOTES * ARB offers the possibility to select taxonomic groups (see LINK{nt_keys.hlp} and LINK{group_search.hlp}). Whenever a group gets selected, the selection is removed from the selected species and vice versa. * "Marking" species is a different concept, which is described in LINK{mark.hlp}. * Please note LINK{species_configs.hlp} are not related to the 'selected species'.