downloaded from -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOLPHY: A Computer Program Package for Molecular Phylogenetics Readme This is the MOLPHY (ProtML) distribution, version 2.3. Copyright (c) 1992-1996, Jun Adachi & Masami Hasegawa. All rights reserved. MOLPHY is a program package for MOLecular PHYlogenetics. ProtML is a main program in MOLPHY for inferring evolutionary trees from PROTein (amino acid) sequences by using the Maximum Likelihood method. Programs (C language) ProtML: Maximum Likelihood Inference of Protein Phylogeny NucML: Maximum Likelihood Inference of Nucleic Acid Phylogeny ProtST: Basic Statistics of Protein Sequences NucST: Basic Statistics of Nucleic Acid Sequences NJdist: Neighbor Joining Phylogeny from Distance Matrix Utilities (Perl) mollist: get identifiers list molrev: reverse DNA sequences molcat: concatenate sequences molcut: get partial sequences molmerge: merge sequences nuc2ptn: DNA -> Amino acid rminsdel: remove INS/DEL sites molcodon: get specified codon sites molinfo: get varied sites mol2mol: MOLPHY format beautifer inl2mol: Interleaved -> MOLPHY mol2inl: MOLPHY -> Interleaved mol2phy: MOLPHY -> Sequential phy2mol: Sequential -> MOLPHY must2mol: MUST -> MOLPHY etc. MOLPHY is a free software, and you can use and redistribute it. The programs are written in a standard subset of C with UNIX-like OS. The utilities are written in the "Perl" (Ver.4.036) with UNIX-like OS. MOLPHY has been tested on SUN4's (cc & gcc with SUN-OS 4.1.3) and HP9000/700 (cc, c89 & gcc with HP-UX 9.05). However, MOLPHY has NOT been tested on VAX, IBM-PC, and Macintosh. NETWORK DISTRIBUTION ONLY: The latest version of MOLPHY is always available by anonymous ftp in /pub/ISMLIB/MOLPHY/.