#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) #SUB subtopic.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Check the Quality of Sequences OCCURRENCE ARB_NT DESCRIPTION Takes sequences, a tree and a coloumn statistic as input, and generates a short sequence quality output string, which will be stored into the database under a user defined key. First the sequences are split into different subsequences: 2 pieces: front and back half 5 equally sized pieces: user defined sized pieces. The programs sums up the weighted mutations for each sequence part using a maximum likelihood technique. NOTES this feature is still under construction. Only sequences which are in the tree are used. WARNINGS Needs a really lot of computer memory! BUGS Does not delete the destination field of species not in the tree.