#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp UP arb_edit.hlp UP extended.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB consensus.ps # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Consensus OCCURRENCE ARB_NT/SAI/Consensus DESCRIPTION Calculates consensus for marked or all sequences. 1. Choose an 'alignment' (see LINK{glossary.hlp}) from the 'Alignment' subwindow. 2. Define whether 'marked' (see LINK{glossary.hlp}) or all sequences should be used by pressing the respective checkbox after the 'species' prompt. 3. Define whether to use or to ignore gaps entirely. If you count gaps and the gap frequency exceeds 'threshold for gaps', the result will be shown as '-'. If the switch is 'off', the algorithm will virtually remove all gaps. That means if you have a coloumn with two 'A's and 500 gaps the program thinks of 100% 'A'. If the switch would be 'on', the relative number of 'A's would be 2%. 4. Define whether the most frequent base or the IUPAC code (more then one base) should be shown at the particular position by pressing the respective checkbox after the 'simplify' prompt. The IUPAC codes are displayed after pressing the button. Characters are used for IUPAC encoding only if their frequency exceeds 'threshold for character'. Example: If you have 40% 'A', 10% 'C', 40% 'G' and 10% 'T' and 'threshold for character' is set to 20%, the program looks for a iupac code only for 'A' and 'G'. 5. Define a name for the consensus sequence by selecting one from the 'SAI' subwindow or by typing it to the 'Name of New SAI' field. NOTES The consensus sequence is stored within the database as an 'SAI' entry and automatically edited with 'ARB_EDIT'. Display detailed help in postscript format by choosing 'Postscript: Consensus.ps' from the 'Main Topic' subwindow. If a column contains only gaps the result will be shown as '='. EXAMPLES None BUGS Our postscript viewer cannot show 'Postscript: Consensus.ps' You may print it on your printer: $ARBHOME/lib/ps/Consensus.ps BUGS IUPAC symbols in source sequences are ignored.