#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP arb.ps #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB trees.hlp SUB helix.hlp SUB props_nds.hlp SUB pt_server.hlp SUB extended.hlp SUB species.hlp SUB selected.hlp #SUB mark.hlp #SUB alignment.hlp #SUB commands.hlp SUB parser.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Glossary SECTION What do we mean if we talk about ... ALIGNMENT Subdatabase containing homologous sequences (different 'alignments' can be stored along with the species information). See LINK{alignment.hlp} for more information. ACI ARB Command Interpreter. ACI is a simple programing language for calculating special species information (eg. G+C Content..) See LINK{commands.hlp}. EDGE Branch within a tree defined by nodes FIELD Container for 'species' associated information MARKED SPECIES Marking of 'species' defines the datasubset which is analyzed by the ARB tools. See LINK{mark.hlp}. NAMES There are two kinds of name fields (for species, genes, etc.). - name Identifier for 'species' entries. Should be generated automatically using the name server. - full_name User defined full name of the species,... NDS Node Display Setup: defines informatio which is displayed at tree nodes. NODE Internal: connects branches of a tree Terminal: free end of branches representing 'species' PT_SERVER Server using a special form of the ARB database for rapid similarity searching (automated alignment, probe design/check) SAI Sequence Associated Information SELECTED SPECIES 'species' highlighted (selected) using the 'ARB_NT/Species/ Search' or 'ARB_INTRO tools. SPECIES Database entry containing a sequence and associated information. Not necessarily consistent with a taxonomic species SRT Search and Replace Tool allows to search substrings in a string and replace them by another substring.