#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB rename.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Check and Update Names DESCRIPTION When merging two databases it is VERY IMPORTANT to use identical short names for identical species and different short names for different species. If not, data of different species will be merged or overwritten. Species are identified using the accession number and (optionally) one additional field. If you use an additional field, a different nameserver is used to rename species. Because of different name servers, merging two databases is only possible if both databases use no additional field or if they use the same. To rename all species in both databases, press the 'Check names...' button to open the 'SYNCHRONIZE NAMES' window. Make sure both databases use the same additional id. Press the 'Rename species' button to generate new names for both databases. NOTES Creates automatically unique names (=identifiers) for all species entries in the database. The entries are identified by their accession numbers (public databases). The names are created using the 'full_name' information. Usually, the first three letters are taken from the genus designation, the remaining letters from the species name. In some cases where you are absolutely sure that both databases use identical names for identical species, but renaming creates different names (e.g. because one DB lacks accession numbers) you can override renaming by checking the 'Override' toggle. WARNINGS If there are duplicated entries (same accession number - different 'full_name'; no accession number - same 'full_name') the different versions are indicated by appending running numbers separated from the 'name' by a dot. Normally merging is not allowed when there are duplicated species. You may overide that behavior by checking 'Allow merging duplicates', but be warned: It is VERY DANGEROUS to merge when duplicated species are in your databases, cause there is no garantee, that duplicates with the same .NUM suffix refer to the same species. You may easily overwrite or duplicate your data! Similar applies to the 'Override' toggle. Be careful! BUGS No bugs known