#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp UP pt_server.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) #SUB pd_spec_param.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Probe Match OCCURRENCE ARB_NT/ETC/Probe Match DESCRIPTION Finds and displays all occurrences of a given target and/or probe sequence within any specified 'PT_SERVER' database. The species, targets and additional information are ranked and displayed according to the degree of similarity. Select a 'PT_SERVER' from the menu displayed after pressing the 'PT_SERVER' button of the 'PROBE MATCH' window. Define whether similar (not perfectly matched) sites should be displayed by pressing the 'Search depth' button and selecting the number of mismatches (1 - 20) from the menu. Enable the 'Use weighted mismatches' toggle to use the weights defined via 'EXPERT' button (see LINK{pd_spec_param.hlp}). Define whether the species which contain the target or probe (or similar) sequence should be marked (see LINK{mark.hlp}) by enabling the 'Mark in database' toggle. Define if probe AND target sequence should be searched by enabling the 'Check rev.compl. too' toggle. Press the 'EXPERT' button to display the 'PD SPECIAL' window if base pairings should be individually weighed (see LINK{pd_spec_param.hlp}). Press the 'MATCH' button to perform the search. Enabling the 'Auto (match)' toggle will automatically start a probe match whenever the target string is changed. Try it when you design probes. The results will be displayed within the display area, ranked according to the degree of similarity between probe string and database entries. Brief description of the listed columns: - name: short name of the matched species - fullname: full name of the matched species - mis: number of mismatches - N_mis: number of pairings with ambiguous residues (N) - wmis: mismatch weights - pos: alignment position of match - rev: 0=normal match; 1=reverse complement match Results from gene PT_servers consist of different columns: - organism: short name of the matched organism - genename: short name of the gene - mis, N_mis, wmis, rev (same meaning as with normal PT_server) - pos: position of match in genome sequence - gpos: position of match in gene sequence Sequence sections containing stretches identical or similar to the probe string or its reversed complement are shown between dashes in the last column: Perfectly matched positions are indicated by double dashes, mismatches by base symbols. The (hybrid destabilizing) quality of mismatches is indicated by upper and lower case letters. # To write the results to an ascii file press the 'SAVE' # button to display the 'SELECTION BOX' window. NOTES Unlike the 'ARB_PROBE_DESIGN' tool, the 'ARB_PROBE_MATCH' tool does not depend on the consistancy of the current and the 'PT_SERVER' database. Any 'PT_SERVER' database containing homologous or non-homologous, aligned or crude data can be searched for potential probe target matches. Please note that all positions returned from PT-Server are in the range [0..N-1]. They differ by 1 from positions in ARB_EDIT4. EXAMPLES None WARNINGS None BUGS The number of results is currently limited to 10000 hits.