# This file defines the parameters used for probe match / probe design # during generation of the arb_probe_library database # ------------------------------------------------------------ # WARNING: most parameters are ignored at the moment # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # section 1 (general parameters) # min,max temperature # temperature = 30.0,100.0 temperature = 0.0,100.0 # min,max GC content # gccontent = 50.0,100.0 gccontent = 0.0,100.0 # min,max ecoli pos ecolipos = 0,10000 # use weighted mismatches? weighted_mismatches = 0 # bond values (order is AA,AC,AG,AT,CA,CC,..,TA,TC,TG,TT) # (only used if weighted_mismatches=1) bonds_Ax = 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.1 bonds_Cx = 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0 bonds_Gx = 0.5, 1.5, 0.4, 0.9 bonds_Tx = 1.1, 0.0, 0.9, 0.0 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # section 2 (probe match only) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # section 3 (probe design only) # max. hairpin bonds maxhairpinbonds = 0 # experimental values [do not change] # treat base pair as a mismatch when its strength is less than max. strength minus split=0.5 edge_misval=0.5 single_misval=0.5 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # section 4 (other parameters - not directly affecting design/match) # max. number of probes to keep per group max_probe_per_group = 100