# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this file is named config.makefile.template then copy it to config.makefile # DO NOT EDIT config.makefile.template # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enter your name (upper case, no spaces) here, to enable '#ifdef DEVEL_YOURNAME #endif' sections # (Release version uses 'RELEASE') DEVELOPER=ANY DEBUG=0# build with debug information DEBUG_GRAPHICS=0# force instant graphic update #SEER=1 OPENGL=1 ARB_64=0# compile 64bit ARB version (still very buggy!) #BUILDHOST_64=1# whether build host is 64bit (value defaults to ARB_64). Uncomment for Cross-Compile # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # target machine section # [Note: Uncomment one section, depending on your machine type and compiler options] # ------------ # Section: Linux MACH = LINUX# Linux g++ and gcc LINUX = 1 # DEBIAN = 1 # uncomment for DEBIAN systems # REDHAT = 1 # uncomment for REDHAT systems # ------------ # Section: Max OSX # MACH = DARWIN# # DARWIN = 1 # ------------