edit file before use ./arb_compress make tar archive of all ARB binaries ./arb_compress_emacs make special ale emacs tar archive ./arb_export remote copy archive to strunk@ftp.mikro.biologie.tu-muenchen.de:/usr2/ftp/pub/ARB/$HOSTTYPE ./arb_patch_export like arb_export but into experimental subdirectory: strunk@ftp.mikro.biologie.tu-muenchen.de:/usr2/ftp/pub/ARB/experimental/$HOSTTYPE ./arb_update tar souce code changes in master sources $(ARBHOME)/../source to $(ARBHOME)/../xxxx X ./arb_updateall like arb_update but remote copy to remote hosts X ./arb_tohp copy sources to strunk@hphalle.tu-muenchen.de ./arb_save cpio and gzip all ARB source into arbsrc* ./arb_find_latest_updates finds all source code changes newer (file timestamp) than arbsrc_.cgz ./arb_save_depot cpio the DEPOT and DEPOT2 subdirectory: NOT TESTED (external binaries) internals ./arb_update_copy used by arb_update