Dot Plot Tool Description: DotPlotTool displays the similarity between two DNA/RNA sequences in a two dimensional dot plot graph. A solid dot indicates a matches, i.e., the two bases are the same. A grey dot presents a partial matches, i.e. at least one base is an ambiguous base represented by an IUPAC code, while the other is covered by this ambiguous base. In this tool, the user can adjust the dot size, base width, and minimum match length. A dot is shown only if it belongs to a solid or partial match of at least minimum-match-length long. Minimum-match-length is used to filter out arbitrary matches. A user can also view the complement (NOTE: complement in this context only means switch 'a' and 't', and 'g' and 'c',) and/or reverse of the second sequence while comparing to the first sequence. If there is only one sequence in the input file, DotPlotTool compares the sequence with itself. If there are more than two sequences in the input file, DotPlotTool compares the first two sequences only.