item:Protein_ML (molphy max 40 species) itemmethod:(GEN_INFILE(in1);cat infile |tr '?' '-' >;RUN_IN_WINDOW((CONSFLAG=-consense;$BOOTSTRP;$DISPLAY_FUNC));RM_LOCAL_FILES(in1) )& arg:DISPLAY_FUNC argtype:chooser arglabel:What to do with the tree:? argchoice:ARB ('tree_phylip'):arb_read_tree $CONSFLAG tree_ph_$$ protml.tre "PRG=protml PARMETERS=$MODEL$SEARCH FILTER=$FILTER PKG=molphy" argchoice:TextEdit:arb_textedit outfile argchoice:Treetool:treetool treefile arg:BOOTSTRP arglabel:How many bootstraps ? argtype:chooser argchoice:Do not bootstrap:CONSFLAG=;protml $MODEL $SEARCH -v -I argchoice:10: arb_echo 1 r 10 y |seqboot ; /bin/mv -f outfile infile; arb_echo m 10 y |$PROGRAM; /bin/mv -f treefile infile;arb_echo y | consense;arb_textedit outfile argchoice:100: arb_echo 1 r 100 y |seqboot ; /bin/mv -f outfile infile; arb_echo m 100 y |$PROGRAM; /bin/mv -f treefile infile;arb_echo y | consense;arb_textedit outfile argchoice:1000: arb_echo 1 r 1000 y |seqboot ; /bin/mv -f outfile infile; arb_echo m 1000 y |$PROGRAM; /bin/mv -f treefile infile;arb_echo y | consense;arb_textedit outfile arg:MODEL argtype:chooser arglabel:Which model to use ? argchoice:JTT:-j argchoice:Dayhoff:-d argchoice:mtREV24:-m argchoice:Poisson:-p argchoice:Jones Tayler & Thornton:-jf argchoice:Dayhoff-F:-df argchoice:Adachi & Hasegawa(1995):-mf arg:SEARCH argtype:chooser arglabel:Search Strategie argchoice:star decomposition:-s argchoice:exhaustive:-e argchoice:quickadd:-q in:in1 informat:genbank inmask: insave: