PROJECT ors_server OBJECT_KEY ORS, # MAIN PREFIX MAX_KEY 299, # MAX NUMBER OF AN ATTRIBUTE MAX_OBJECT 6, # MAX DIFFERENT STRUCTURES MAX_STRING_LEN 1024, MAX_PAR_CNT 16, MAGIC_NUMBER 0x87a437, # MAGIC_NUMBER 6 HEX DIGITS SERVER_INCLUDES (~ #include #include #include ~) INCLUDE_INCLUDES (~$$(#FILE aisc_include.header)~) DATA { # ********************************* USER DATA ******************************************* # ******************************* PRIVAT STRUCTURES: DO NOT CHANGE ********************************* @STRUCT, @SKEY, @SKEYC, @SDOCU; dll_public, , , (~Vater einer DoubledLinkedList dll~), { @TYPE, @IDENT, @REF, @ACC, @SAVE, @KEY, @KEYC, @INIT, @DOCU; t_key, key, t, r, , , , , (~ The key~); int, cnt, t, r, , CNT, 0, , (~ Number of elements~); long, hash, t, , , , , , (~ Hash Table~); dllheader_ext, parent, flt, r, , PARENT, 1, , (~ My Owner~); dllheader_ext, last, flt, r, , LAST, 2, , (~ Pointer to the last element~); }; dll_header, COMMON, 0, (~Der Link Header (sollte Kopf jeder Funktion sein)~), { @TYPE, @IDENT, @REF, @ACC, @SAVE, @KEY, @KEYC, @INIT, @DOCU; t_key, key, t, r, , KEY, 0, , (~ The Key~); aisc_string, aisc_get_keystring,%,r, , KEYSTRING,1, , (~ THE STRING of the KEY ~); dll_public, parent, ls, r, , (~~), 2, , (~ Pointer to dll_public~); aisc_string, ident, t, , 1, IDENT, 5, , (~ The ident [not necessary]~); }; # ********************************* USER STRUCTURES ******************************************* ORS_local, LOCAL, 2, (~local communication buffer~), { @TYPE, @IDENT, @REF, @ACC, @SAVE, @KEY, @KEYC, @INIT, @DOCU; dllh, mh, t, , , (~~), 0, , (~Header~); int, socket, t, , , , , ors_init_socket(THIS), (~the callback~), DESTROY ors_destroy_socket(THIS); aisc_string, whoami, t, , , WHOAMI, 10, , (~ who am i ~); aisc_string, error, t, , , ERROR, 11, "", (~ error string ~); int, use_advice, t, rw, , USEADVICE, 13, , (~ use the advice ~); bytestring, query_string, t, , , QUERY_STRING, 14, , (~ query string ~); bytestring, search_probe, %, r, , SEARCH_PROBE, 15, , (~ f:search a probe ~); aisc_string, dailypw, t, , , DAILYPW, 20, , (~ daily password ~); aisc_string, dailypw_2_userpath,%, r, , DAILYPW_2_USERPATH, 21, , (~ f:return userpath ~); aisc_string, calc_dailypw, %, r, , CALC_DAILYPW, 25, , (~ f:calulate dailypw ~); aisc_string, userpath, t, , , USERPATH, 30, , (~ user's path ~); aisc_string, username, t, , , USERNAME, 31, , (~ user's fullname ~); aisc_string, password, t, , , PASSWORD, 32, , (~ user's password ~); aisc_string, remote_host, t, , , REMOTE_HOST, 33, , (~ remote host ~); aisc_string, remote_user, t, , , REMOTE_USER, 34, , (~ remote user ~); int, debug, t, , , DEBUG, 35, , (~ debug mode ~); int, user_ta_id, t, , , USER_TA_ID, 36, , (~ field transaction id ~); int, sel_user_ta_id, t, , , SEL_USER_TA_ID, 37, , (~ field transaction id ~); int, is_superuser, t, , , IS_SUPERUSER, 38, , (~ state of user ~); int, is_author, t, , , IS_AUTHOR, 39, , (~ state of user ~); aisc_string, user_own_info, t, , , USER_OWN_INFO, 40, , (~ user's own info ~); aisc_string, user_info, t, , , USER_INFO, 41, , (~ user's info (set by par.user) ~); aisc_string, mail_addr, t, , , MAIL_ADDR, 42, , (~ user's mail addresses ~); aisc_string, www_home, t, , , WWW_HOME, 43, , (~ user's www home page ~); int, max_users, t, , , MAX_USERS, 44, , (~ user's max num of subusers ~); int, curr_users, t, , , CURR_USERS, 45, , (~ user's current num of subusers ~); int, max_user_depth, t, , , MAX_USER_DEPTH, 46, , (~ user's max depth of own subusers ~); int, curr_user_depth, t, , , CURR_USER_DEPTH, 47, , (~ user's current depth of own subusers ~); aisc_string, pub_exist_max, t, , , PUB_EXIST_MAX, 50, , (~ max ~); aisc_string, pub_content_max, t, , , PUB_CONTENT_MAX, 51, , (~ max ~); aisc_string, pub_exist_def, t, , , PUB_EXIST_DEF, 52, , (~ default e.p. ~); aisc_string, pub_content_def, t, , , PUB_CONTENT_DEF, 53, , (~ default c.p. ~); aisc_string, sel_user, t, , , SEL_USER, 60, , (~ selected user's name (without path) ~); aisc_string, sel_par_userpath, t, , , SEL_PAR_USERPATH, 61, , (~ selected user's path (without name) ~); aisc_string, sel_userpath, t, , , SEL_USERPATH, 62, , (~ s: user's path ~); aisc_string, sel_username, t, , , SEL_USERNAME, 63, , (~ s: user's full name ~); aisc_string, sel_password, t, , , SEL_PASSWORD, 64, , (~ s: user's password ~); aisc_string, sel_mail_addr, t, , , SEL_MAIL_ADDR, 65, , (~ s: u's mail addresses ~); aisc_string, sel_user_own_info, t, , , SEL_USER_OWN_INFO, 66, , (~ s: u's own info ~); aisc_string, sel_user_info, t, , , SEL_USER_INFO, 67, , (~ s: u's info (set by par.user) ~); aisc_string, sel_www_home, t, , , SEL_WWW_HOME, 68, , (~ s: www home page ~); aisc_string, sel_pub_exist_max, t, , , SEL_PUB_EXIST_MAX, 69, , (~ s: max ~); aisc_string, sel_pub_content_max, t, , , SEL_PUB_CONTENT_MAX, 70, , (~ s: max ~); int, sel_max_users, t, , , SEL_MAX_USERS, 71, , (~ s: max num of subusers. ~); int, sel_curr_users, t, , , SEL_CURR_USERS, 72, , (~ s: max current of subusers. ~); int, sel_max_user_depth, t, , , SEL_MAX_USER_DEPTH, 73, , (~ s: max depth of own subusers. ~); int, sel_is_superuser, t, , , SEL_IS_SUPERUSER, 74, , (~ s: state of ~); int, sel_is_author, t, , , SEL_IS_AUTHOR, 75, , (~ s: state of ~); aisc_string, work_on_user, %, w, , WORK_ON_USER, 80, , (~ f: modify preferences of user ~); aisc_string, work_on_sel_user, %, w, , WORK_ON_SEL_USER, 85, , (~ f: create/mod/del sel_user ~); aisc_string, read_user_field, %, r, , READ_USER_FIELD, 90, , (~ f: search user data ~); aisc_string, logout_user, %, w, , LOGOUT_USER, 95, , (~ f: logout ~); aisc_string, fieldname, t, , , FIELDNAME, 100, , (~ field to search for ~); aisc_string, action, t, , , ACTION, 101, , (~ action to do (create, delete, ...) ~); aisc_string, os_user_list, t, , , OS_USER_LIST, 102, , (~ list of users ~); aisc_string, list_type, t, , , LIST_TYPE, 103, , (~ list of users ~); aisc_string, list_of_users, %, r, , LIST_OF_USERS, 110, , (~ f: several user lists ~); aisc_string, get_sel_userdata, %, r, , GET_SEL_USERDATA, 115, , (~ f:get sel_user data ~); int, probe_ta_id, t, , , PROBE_TA_ID, 148, , (~ field transaction id ~); aisc_string, probe_field_section, t, , , PROBE_FIELD_SECTION, 149, , (~ fieldsection of probe data ~); aisc_string, probe_field_name, t, , , PROBE_FIELD_NAME, 150, , (~ fieldname of probe data ~); bytestring, probe_field_data, t, , , PROBE_FIELD_DATA, 151, , (~ one field of probe data ~); aisc_string, probe_id, t, , , PROBE_ID, 156, , (~ unique id of a probe ~); aisc_string, search_any_field, t, , , , 157, , (~ search field ~); bytestring, probe_data_list, t, , , PROBE_DATA_LIST, 160, , (~ NOT USED list of probe data ~); int, probe_list_type, t, , , PROBE_LIST_TYPE, 161, , (~ type of probe data list ~); int, probe_list_max_count, t, , , PROBE_LIST_MAX_COUNT, 162, , (~ maximum count of items in probe list ~); aisc_string, clear_probe_fields, %, r, , CLEAR_PROBE_FIELDS, 165, , (~ f: clear all probe fields in server ~); aisc_string, put_probe_field, %, w, , PUT_PROBE_FIELD, 170, , (~ f: put probe field into server ~); aisc_string, work_on_probe, %, w, , WORK_ON_PROBE, 175, , (~ f: create/mod/del probe ~); aisc_string, probe_select, %, w, , PROBE_SELECT, 180, , (~ f: select probe via id~); bytestring, probe_query, %, r, , PROBE_QUERY, 185, , (~ f: query probe via fields ~); bytestring, get_probe_field, %, r, , GET_PROBE_FIELD, 190, , (~ f: get field of sel. probe ~); bytestring, get_probe_list, %, r, , GET_PROBE_LIST, 195, , (~ f: get probe data list ~); aisc_string, probe_user_transfer, %, w, , PROBE_USER_TRANSFER, 200, , (~ f: transfer probes from sel_userp. to string ~); aisc_string, save_probedb, %, w, , SAVE_PROBEDB, 250, , (~ f: save database ~); aisc_string, save_userdb, %, w, , SAVE_USERDB, 255, , (~ f: save database ~); }; OS_pdb_list, PDB_LIST, 3, (~local communication buffer~), { @TYPE, @IDENT, @REF, @ACC, @SAVE, @KEY, @KEYC, @INIT, @DOCU; dllh, mh, t, , , , 0, , (~Header~); aisc_string, section, t, , , , , , (~ section or "" ~); aisc_string, name, t, , , , , , (~ field name ~); aisc_string, db_name, t, , , , , , (~ section + field as name for probedb ~); aisc_string, typ, t, , , , , , (~ input type ~); int, width, t, , , , , , (~ width ~); int, height, t, , , , , , (~ height ~); aisc_string, rights, t, , , , , , (~ RWE... ~); aisc_string, init, t, , , , , , (~ string ~); aisc_string, label, t, , , , , , (~ display label ~); aisc_string, help_page, t, , , , , , (~ html help page ~); aisc_string, features, t, , , , , , (~ feature tokens list " " ~); aisc_string, content, t, , , , , , (~ content, read from cgi_var etc. ~); }; ORS_main, MAIN, 1, (~Die globalen Daten~), SAVEDIRECTION VERTICAL, { @TYPE, @IDENT, @REF, @ACC, @SAVE, @KEY, @KEYC, @INIT, @DOCU; t_key, key, t, n, , , , , (~Der KEY~); ORS_local,loc_st, d, , , LOCAL, 10, , (~Die Parameter~); OS_pdb_list,pdb_list, d, , , , , , (~Die Liste der Datenbank Felder~); int, touched, t, r, , TOUCHED, 19, 0, (~ Do the database need to be saved ~); long, pwds, t, r, , , , 0, (~ The daily pw database ~); aisc_string,server_shutdown, %, w, , SHUTDOWN, 20, , (~SHUTDOWN Command~); int, server_save, %, w, , SAVEALL, 21, , (~SAVE everything~); aisc_string,server_file, t, r, , FILENAME, 22, , (~The filename of the keys~); }; };