#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP e4.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB e4_replace.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE ARB_EDIT4 Block Operation OCCURRENCE ARB_EDIT4/Block DESCRIPTION This menu allows you to perform different block operations. All block operations work on what we call 'Selected Species'. To select some species use the right mouse button on the name or sequence data of the species/groups. The selected sequences or sequence ranges will be drawn with a different background color (see also LINK{e4_background_priority.hlp}). More selection functions are available in the first section of the Block menu: - 'Deselect all' de-selects all species - 'Select all' selects all species (in middle area) - 'Invert all' inverts selection of all species (in middle area) - 'Invert group' inverts selection of all species in group - 'Line block <-> column block' toggles blocktype (see below) Use the second section of the block menu to copy selection to marks or vv. Please consider the difference between the following terms: - Marked species: species marked in ARB_NT - Selected species: species selected in ARB_EDIT4 using right click (Note: unfortunately the term "Selected species" is often also used for what we call "Current species" here) - Current species: species under cursor Several actions (third section of Block menu) can be performed on the selected block. These actions can be performed repeatedly by typing the number of repeats into the editor window (check 'Properties/Options/Use digits to repeat edit commands?') There are 2 types of selected blocks: - Line blocks include the whole sequence. To activate a line block use 'ARB_EDIT4/Block/Deselect all' and right-click on the species name. - Column blocks include only a part of the sequence. To activate a column block right-click on the sequence data. Add/remove species to/from selected: [All clicks below are right clicks!] - You can add or remove species by clicking on their name. - The first click on a group name will select the whole group (group name is colored), the second click will select all species contained in the group and the third click will de-select all. - click on group bracket will deselect all in group EXAMPLES None WARNINGS None BUGS None