#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp UP pars.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB pa_add.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Add species without optimizing topology OCCURRENCE ARB_NT/Tree/Add Species to Existing Tree/ARB Parsimony (Quick add marked) ARB_PARSIMONY/Tree/Add Species to Tree/Add Marked Species ARB_PARSIMONY/Tree/Add Species to Tree/Add Selected Species ARB_PARSIMONY/Tree/Add Species to Tree/Remove & Add Marked Species DESCRIPTION All affected 'species' are positioned according to maximum parsimony criteria. The current tree topology will not be optimized after insertion. In case of 'Add Selected Species' the currently 'selected species' (see LINK{glossary.hlp}) gets inserted. The other functions always work on all 'marked species'. In case of 'Remove & Add Marked Species' any marked species are first removed from the tree and then inserted. The other functions only add those marked species which are not already present in the tree. SECTION Full length vs partial sequence data This function only works correct when adding full-length sequences (FLS), where full-length here applies to the resulting positions after applying the selected alignment filter(s). Any partially missing sequence data will be considered an deletion and adds extra distance between full- and partial sequences. One common effect of doing so, is that partial sequences often group together although they obviously are not (parts of) near relatives, just because they do not share (enough) alignment regions. To avoid that problem - do not use partial sequence data (recommended) or - (if you really have to) declare and handle partial sequence data as such, by using LINK{pa_partial.hlp}. SECTION Tree degeneration As no topology optimization takes place here, the tree will tend to degenerate while you add more and more species, i.e. the tree will continuously diverge from an optimized topology build upon the same set of species. Nevertheless this function has proven useful to determine the phylogenetic position of new/custom sequences in an optimized tree. But you should always be aware that the more sequences you add this way, the worse your topology will get. Probably you may want to optimize your tree from time to time. See LINK{pa_optimizer.hlp} for howto. SECTION Insertion order Due to the tree degeneration mentioned above, the insertion order of the species you add to an existing tree is of some importance. This function sorts the species (added in each batch of species) by the number of base positions (bp) remaining after filtering. Species with more bp get inserted before species with less bp - as their position in the tree will be stronger determined. Note: there is no strict order for species with same amount of bp. NOTES The current parsimony value (see LINK{pa_value.hlp}) is displayed after the 'Current Par' prompt in the upper part of the 'ARB_PARSIMONY' window and the 'Message' window (pops up while calculating). EXAMPLES None WARNINGS The phylogenetic information conferred by the new sequence(s) is not used for global tree optimization. BUGS No bugs known