#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB e4.hlp SUB mark.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Species selections (=editor configurations) OCCURRENCE ARB_NTREE/Species/Selections DESCRIPTION Species selections basically are sets of species. Technically the terms "species selections" and "editor configurations" (or simply "configurations") are synonymic. For a detailed description what is stored in an editor configuration see LINK{species_configs_saveload.hlp}. You may use configurations to * save/restore which species are currently marked (see LINK{mark.hlp}). Available operations are decribed below. * start the sequence editor on a defined set of species (see LINK{arb_edit4.hlp}) * highlight multiple configurations in the tree display using the 'Highlight in tree' button (see LINK{species_configs_highlight.hlp}) This window provides several operations on configurations: - STORE (save a (new) configuration) - EXTRACT (= unmark all, then mark the species stored in the selected configuration) - MARK/UNMARK/INVERT (mix currently marked species with those marked in configuration) - COMBINE (unmarks all that are not in configuration. This does an intersection between the currently marked species and those from the selected configuration) - DELETE (delete a configuration) - RENAME (rename a configuration) Each configuration has a comment which may be changed by editing the 'Comment' textfield. The 'Clear' button will remove the comment in two steps: * first all dated log entries (1st click) * then the rest of the comment (2nd click) NOTES The configuration window is as well available via the button that shows the number of marked species in the top area of the main arb window. The number behind the species selections is the number of selected species. EXAMPLES None WARNINGS Unfortunately we use the term 'configuration' for two things: * configurations of settings/properties (as described in LINK{prop_configs.hlp}) * species-selections aka editor-configurations (as described here) Please do not mix them up. BUGS No bugs known