#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB reg.hlp TITLE Search and Replace Tool (SRT) DESCRIPTION The String Parser is used to search and replace substrings. OCCURRENCE TREE/Species/Search:PARSE FIELD TREE/Properties/NDS SECTION SYNTAX 'search=replace' means search all occurrences of 'search' and replace it by 'replace' Different search/replace commands can be separated by ':': 'search1=replace1:search2=replace2: ... :searchn=replacen' SECTION SPECIAL CHARACTERS Search && Replace string: ':' separates two commands '=' separates the search from the replace string '\' Escape symbol '\\' the '\' symbol itself '\n' newline '\t' tabulator '\:' ':' '\=' '=' '\?' '?' '\*' '*' Search string: '?' single letter wildcard '*' multi letter wildcard Replace string: '?' a reference to the corresponding single letter wildcard in the search string (if no digit or '(' follows). '?n' n = { 1,...,9 } a reference to the n'th single letter wildcard in the search string '*' a reference to the corresponding multi letter wildcard in the search string (no digit or '(' follows). '*n' n = { 1,...,9 } a reference to the n'th multi letter wildcard in the search string '*(key)' the value of a database field named if this field does not exits then the string '' '*(key#mystring)' the value of a database field named if this field does not exits then the string 'mystring' '*(key\:nsrt)' invokes the SRT recursively on the value of the database field 'key' NOTE: All ':' have to be 'escaped' '*([key]|ACI)' starts ACI (see LINK{aci.hlp}) on the value of '[key]' (which may be empty). EXAMPLES 'p?r=p?w' replaces all par to paw pbr to pbw pcr to pcw ... 'p??r=p?2?1r' swaps the two letters between p and r 'a*=b*' replaces only the first 'a' by 'b' '?* *=?. *2' Replaces the first word by its first letter + '.' '\:=\n' replaces all ':' by '*=* *(key1)' appends the database field . if does not exists append nothing '*=* *(key1#no info)' appends the database field if does not exists append 'no info' '*=*(key2\: =)' The value of 'key2' with all spaces removed '*=*(key2|remove(.-))' the value of the database entry 'key2', but all '.' and '-' characters removed WARNINGS Be careful when search or replace string contain special characters (such as ':'). Avoid to write too complicated commands. BUGS None