HOWTO release ARB ================= Overview: 1. 'trunk' versioning 2. Create initial release candidate (rc1) 3. Create subsequent release candidates (rc2,..) 4. Create release 5. Hotfixes for release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 'trunk' versioning To check trunk version look into ../version_info or call make show_version 'trunk' shall always contain the release version number planned for the NEXT release. Example1: last release was arb-5.5 trunk should already contain arb-5.6 (or arb-6.0, whatever is planned) Example2: last release was arb-5.5 last rc was arb-6.0-rc1 trunk should already contain arb-6.1 Intention is to have a explicit feature freeze whenever a rc is branched. To increment the version number, - change into trunk WC - svn update - make inc_minor or inc_major - in ../../arb_CHANGES.txt - add missing changes - update version info - commit changes 2. Create initial release candidate (rc1) - change into trunk WC and update to revision wanted for rc - make sure the version number in trunk is already correct (see 1.) To show it call make show_version - make sure arb_CHANGES.txt is up-to-date (i.e. lists changes for version-to-release) - to make sure you are at HEAD call svn update - to branch the rc1 call SOURCE_TOOLS/release/ branch_rc1 3. Create subsequent release candidates (rc2,..) Note: Subsequent release candidates are meant for bugfixes only! - change into 'rc' WC - to increment rc number call make inc_candi - merge all bugfixes from trunk (or apply them in branch 'rc' and merge them back to trunk) - commit changes and let a jenkins build pass (job 'ARB-rc'; builds automatically) - to make sure you are at HEAD call svn update - call SOURCE_TOOLS/release/ tag_rc 4. Create release Note: Release should be a copy at the latest rc - change into 'rc' WC - to make sure you are at HEAD call svn update - to branch the release call SOURCE_TOOLS/release/ branch_stable Note: After the release is done, consider - deleting the branch 'rc' or - instantly create rc1 for next release (see 2. above). 5. Hotfixes for release - change into 'stable' WC - to increment the release patchlevel call make inc_patch - merge all hotfixes from trunk (or apply them in branch 'stable' and merge them back to trunk) - commit changes and let a jenkins build pass (job 'ARB-stable'; builds automatically) - to make sure you are at HEAD call svn update - call SOURCE_TOOLS/release/ tag_stable