.PHONY: help all develall mafftlinks scriptlinks devellinks clean cleanbinaries cleanlinks help: @echo 'Known targets:' @echo '' @echo ' all create all links to binaries in: SH PERL_SCRIPTS' @echo ' develall create links to arb_binaries in: SOURCE_TOOLS (development only)' @echo ' clean: remove all executables and links' @echo ' cleanlinks: remove all links' # ---------------------------------------- all: autoremove $(MAKE) scriptlinks mafftlinks develall: autoremove $(MAKE) scriptlinks mafftlinks devellinks # ---------------------------------------- # autoremove no-longer-made binaries # (to avoid need to make clean) AUTOREMOVE=arb_notify autoremove: @rm -f $(AUTOREMOVE) # ---------------------------------------- MAFFTLINKS= \ mafft-einsi \ mafft-fftns \ mafft-fftnsi \ mafft-ginsi \ mafft-linsi \ mafft-nwns \ mafft-nwnsi \ mafft-qinsi \ mafft-xinsi \ mafft-%: ln -s -f mafft $@ mafftlinks: $(MAFFTLINKS) scriptlinks: ln -s -f `find ../SH -perm -100 ! -type d -print` . ln -s -f `find ../PERL_SCRIPTS -perm -100 ! -type d ! -path '*/IFTHELP/*' ! -path '*/TESTS/*' -print` . devellinks: ln -s -f `find ../SOURCE_TOOLS -name "arb_*" -perm -100 ! -type d -print` . # ---------------------------------------- clean: cleanlinks cleanbinaries cleanbinaries: -find . -type f -perm -100 -exec rm {} \; cleanlinks: -find . -type l -exec rm {} \;