#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp UP mark.hlp UP nt_align_select.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) #SUB export_format.hlp SUB arb_import.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Export Selected Species and Sequences OCCURRENCE ARB_NT/File/Export Foreign Format DESCRIPTION Exports the selected 'alignment' of some or all 'species' in various formats. Choose the 'EXPORT FOREIGN FORMAT' option from the 'File' menu to display the 'ARB EXPORT' window. Select a formate from the corresponding subwindow. Choose whether to export all or only marked species. Choose a filter to export only selected columns. Select a compression method: - 'none' preserves the alignment information - 'vertical gaps' removes all columns containing only gaps - 'all gaps' completely remove the alignment information Check 'Cut stop codon' to cut off the sequence at the stop codon. Define whether the data should be written to one or to multiple files by clicking on the checkbox after the 'Should the data be written to multiple files:' prompt. In the multiple file mode, each 'species' is written to its own file. Define an output file name by selecting from the 'Directories and Files' subwindow or by typing it to the 'Output File Name' subwindow. In the multiple file mode, the resulting filenames are created by appending the 'species name' to the specified output filename separated by underscores (filename_species name). Press the button EXPERT: The program reads the selected format (formats is $ARBHOME/lib/export/*.eft) and replaces all references to species information by the value of the reference. See LINK{export_format.hlp} for more information. SECTION Custom export filters You may create and store your own private export filters in directory '~/.arb_prop/filter'. See LINK{export_format.hlp} for information about the export filter definition language. Press the 'Test' button to modify and test the selected filter (see LINK{export_test.hlp}). NOTES None EXAMPLES None BUGS No bugs known