#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP sp_search.hlp UP gene_search.hlp UP security.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB tags.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE Modify fields of listed OCCURRENCE ARB_NT/Species/Search and Query/More Functions/Modify fields of listed ARB_NT/Genome/Search and query/More Functions/Modify fields of listed ARB_NT/Genome/Experiment/Search and query/More Functions/Modify fields of listed ARB_NT/Tree/NDS DESCRIPTION Finds and replaces substrings within fields/tagged subfields of all listed species/genes. The entries within the selected fields of all listed species/genes can be modified either individually or globally. SECTION Target field Select the target field to modify by pressing the button in the upper part of the window. Target field related options: * 'Create missing target fields' with type=STRING if checked. Bail out with error otherwise. * 'Accept conversion errors': - if checked, accepts modifications like writing "hello" to a numeric field (which will be written as '0') - otherwise arb will abort with an error in such cases (Note that writing "4711" to numeric fields will work w/o error) SECTION Expert options * 'Use Tags' allows to tag entries or modify only tagged parts of entries. See LINK{tags.hlp} for details. * 'Double Pars' causes the result of the 'Command' to be interpreted and executed as command once again (special; in doubt don't use) SECTION Command Three different languages can be used to modify an entry: SRT: indicated by a leading ':' character ACI: indicated by a leading '|' character REG: indicated by sourrounding '/' characters Details: REG: Simple Regular Expressions (not for beginners) '/Search RegExpr/Replace String/' or '/Search RegExpr/' (see LINK{reg.hlp} for more details) SRT: Replaces substrings Syntax: ':old_string=new_string' (see LINK{srt.hlp} for more details) Example: remove all spaces with SRT ': =' Different search/replace commands can be performed simultaneously and have to be separated by ':' ':search1=replace1:search2=replace2: ... :searchn=replacen'. '*' and '?' are wild cards for multiple and single characters, respectively. ACI: More sophisticated string manipulations Read LINK{aci.hlp} for more information. SECTION Predefined commands Clicking on one of the predefined commands in the list at the bottom of the window * will set the content of the 'Command' field and * may change the selected target field (!!!) SECTION Defining custom commands You may add new commands by editing one of the files: $ARBHOME/lib/sellists/mod_fields.sellst $ARBHOME/lib/sellists/mod_gene_fields.sellst You should save this file to another location when installing new versions of ARB or it will be overwritten. A better way is to create your own list(s). All list matching 'mod_fields*.sellst' will be loaded, where 'mod_fields.sellst' is loaded. If you have created any scripts which might be useful for other ARB users send them to LINK{devel@arb-home.de}. EXAMPLES ':p?r=p?1w' replaces par to paw pbr to pbw pcr to pcw ... ':p??r=p?2?1r' swaps the two letters between p and r ':a*=b*1' replaces only the first 'a' by 'b' ':?* *=?1. *2' Replaces the first word by its first letter + '.' ':\:=\n' replaces all ':' by ':*=*1 *(key1)' appends the database field ':*=*1 *(key1|nothing found)' appends the database field if does not contain entries append 'nothing found' 1. Global modification: Replace 'spec.' by 'sp.' within the field full_name of all listed species: Press: 'MODIFY FIELDS OF LISTED SPECIES' Select Field: 'full_name' Type Command: ':spec.=sp.' Press: 'GO' 2. Individual modification: Append the particular entries of fields 'title' and 'journal' to that of the fields 'author' of all listed species if there are any entries: Press: 'MODIFY FIELDS OF LISTED SPECIES' Select Field: 'author' Type Command: ':*=*1 *(title) *(journal)' Press: 'GO' NOTE Undo does work. WARNINGS Be careful if search or replace string contains special characters (such as ':'). BUGS No bugs known