#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) #SUB subtopic.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE ARB environment variables OCCURRENCE Anywhere DESCRIPTION Arb is aware of several environment variables: ARBHOME Should be set to the arb install directory (usually /usr/arb) LD_LIBRARY_PATH path to system libraries (should contain $ARBHOME/lib (i.e. /usr/arb/lib if $ARBHOME is /usr/arb)). Set by the 'arb' script. ARB_TEXTEDIT The name of the editor you like to use when editing textlike files via ARB (default is to autodetect using arb_textedit) ARB_XTERM The call which is needed to create a normal xterm (default: xterm -sl 1000 -sb -geometry 120x50 ) ARB_XCMD The call which is needed to create a xterm invoking external programs (default: $ARB_XTERM -e ). USER your username (normally set by shell). PRINTER if PRINTER is defined, it may contain the name of your printer. ARB will then automatically use it in the printer command. ARB_PID internal PID for communication (set by the 'arb' script) ARBMACRO directory name where global ARB-macros may be provides by system administrator (default: $ARBHOME/lib/macros ) ARBMACROHOME directory name where your local ARB-macros will be saved to/loaded from (default: $HOME/.arb_prop/macros ) ARBCONFIG directory name where your local ARB-configs will be saved to/loaded from (default: $HOME/.arb_prop/cfgSave ) ARB_GS name of postscript viewer used by ARB (default: 'gv' or 'ghostview') ARB_PDFVIEW name of pdf viewer used by ARB (default: 'epdfview' or 'acroread' or 'gv') ARB_WORKDIR extra directory appearing in ARB-File-Browsers (default: none) ARB_DOC directory where ARB searches for *.ps, *.ps.gz, *.pdf and *.pdf.gz (default: $ARBHOME/lib/help) ARB_HTMLDOC directory where ARB searches for *.html help files (default: $ARBHOME/lib/help_html) NOTES Short description of how to set an environment variable: 1. for bash users (add to .bashrc): ARB_GS='my_special_postscript_viewer' export ARB_GS 2. for tcsh users (add to .cshrc): setenv ARB_GS 'my_special_postscript_viewer' EXAMPLES None WARNINGS None BUGS No bugs known