#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB mode.hlp SUB arb_pars_init.hlp SUB ap_stack.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE ARB Parsimony OCCURRENCE ARB_NT/Tree/Add species to existing tree/Parsimony ... DESCRIPTION The 'ARB_Parsimony' and 'ARB_NT' windows are similar. 'ARB_ Parsimony' contains a subset of 'ARB_NT' functions and in addition some tolls for tree reconstruction and evaluation. Clicking on the prompts in the horizontal menu bar in the upper part of the window displays the corresponding submenus. The submenus are also available using keyboard shortcuts by pressing the meta and a letter key indicated in the main menu bar by underlining. The buttons of the area between the main menu bar and the tree display area (from left to right) ('called top area'): First large button: Displays the name of the current tree. Stack button: Displays the number of stored tree topologies Jump button: Displays partial tree within the tree display area of the 'ARB_NT' window containing the selected 'species' (see LINK{glossary.hlp}) HELP button: Displays this help information. First small button: Displays radial tree Second small button: Displays dendrogram + and - buttons: Define number of stored tree topologies. Select version to be displayed. The values after the 'Current Par' and 'Optimal Par' prompts indicate current and optimal parsimony values for the displayed tree while moving subtrees manually (see LINK{mode_move.hlp}) The program works on the selected tree, it does instantly change the database. FUNCTIONS: Tree/quick add marked species: Add all marked species to this tree. No local rearrangements are performed. If the species are already in the tree do nothing. Tree/quick add selected species: Add the selected species to this tree. To select a species open the 'Search & Query' window in ARB Ntree (ARB_NT/species/search); And select a species. or: start the editor, make the cursor global and select a sequence Tree/add marked species: Quick add plus local rearrangements. Tree/add selected species: Quick add sel. species plus local rearrangements. Tree/Optimization/Local Try to find a better tree moving all branches across one other branch. Does not change elements in folded subtrees. Tree/Optimization/Global Try to find a better tree by moving all branches, over some branches. Does not change elements in folded subtrees. Note: This may take a long time. You may stop the program any time and keep the current best tree. If you have to answer the question either to wait or to kill, answer wait. Tree/calculate branch lengths Does what it says etc.. see ARB Ntree NOTES To create (small) parsimony trees use the phylip program EXAMPLES None BUGS None