#Please insert up references in the next lines (line starts with keyword UP) UP arb.hlp UP glossary.hlp UP arb_ntree.hlp UP arb_edit4.hlp UP mode_info.hlp UP security.hlp UP sp_search.hlp UP Protection.hlp #Please insert subtopic references (line starts with keyword SUB) SUB spaf_reorder.hlp SUB spaf_delete.hlp SUB spaf_create.hlp SUB spaf_scandb.hlp SUB spa_delete.hlp SUB spa_rename.hlp SUB spa_copy.hlp SUB spa_create.hlp SUB sp_sp_2_ext.hlp SUB scandb.hlp # Hypertext links in helptext can be added like this: LINK{ref.hlp|http://add|bla@domain} #************* Title of helpfile !! and start of real helpfile ******** TITLE SPECIES INFORMATION OCCURRENCE ARB_NT/ button: left area, fifth from top ARB_NT/Species/Info ARB_NT/Species/Search DESCRIPTION Displays species information stored within the 'fields' (see LINK{glossary.hlp}). The particular 'species' (see LINK{glossary.hlp}) can be 'marked' or 'unmarked' (see LINK{glossary.hlp}) by pressing the checkbox after the 'Marked?' prompt. Editing of 'field' entries is enabled or prevented by pressing the 'Edit enabled?' checkbox. The entries of a 'field' are modified by choosing it from the 'DATABASE FIELDS' subwindow and modifying the entries displayed in the 'Edit box' subwindow. NOTES The 'SEARCH & QUERY' window can be displayed by pressing the button. For modification of 'field' entries, a protection level has to be selected from the Protection menu of the main window (ARB_NT/Protection) equal to or higher than that assigned to the selected 'field' Cut and paste of the window system can be used in the 'Edit box' subwindow. This provides is an easy way to export/import sequences. Use the left mouse button to mark (cut is done automatically). Then use the middle mouse button to paste. When you open this window it will always show the information of the current species. That means if you select another species (in ARB_NT or in the editor) this window will follow and display information of the selected species. After clicking on the button once the window will no longer follow the current species automatically. You may open a new information window then (which will follow again). Clicking again on the button will catch up the detached window to the current species. SECTION STANDARD ENTRIES The following database entries have a special meaning in ARB: name unique name for the species (generated by ARB) full_name full species name (generated by the user) acc Accession number (automatically generated by ARB if missing) Entries relevant for DNA->AminoAcid encoding: codon_start contains the base inside the gene at which the first codon starts (valid: 1,2,3) if this entry is missing 1 is assumed transl_table the number of the translation table to be used (1 = Standard, ...) Commonly used database entries (e.g. by import/export): entry EMBL Genebank author RA REFERENCE/AUTHORS title RT REFERENCE/TITLE journal RL REFERENCE/JOURNAL refgrp RG REFERENCE/CONSRTM pubmed_id RX PUBMED REFERENCE/PUBMED medline_id RX MEDLINE REFERENCE/PUBMED version SV VERSION keywd KW KEYWORDS tax OC ORGANISM comment CC COMMENT description DE auth_comm RC nuc_rp RP db_xref DR date DT organelle OG definition DEFINITION EXAMPLES Update the 'full_name' 'Pseudomonas cepacia' to 'Comamonas cepacia': Select FIELDS: 'full_name' Move cursor into the 'Edit box' subwindow Delete: 'Pseudomonas' Type: 'Comamonas' WARNINGS It is recommended to reset the protection level after modifying entries to prevent unintentional modification or loss of data. BUGS No bugs known