item:AxML + FastdnaML (max 500 Species) ... seqtype: N itemmeta: M itemmethod:(/bin/rm -f outfile infile treefile ;\ arb_export_rates --arb-notify "$RATES" "Y 1" "Q" "R" "G 0 0" "T 2.0" | GEN_FASTDNAML(infile) && \ ( arb_export_tree $TREE || STOP_ON_FAILURE(arb_export_tree '$TREE')) >>infile && \ RUN_IN_WINDOW((time arb_fastdnaml $PROGRAM && $DISPLAY_FUNC));\ /bin/rm -f TmpInputFile )& arg:RATES argtype:weights arglabel:Select a Weighting Mask argchoice:POS_VAR_BY_PARS arg:TREE argtype:tree arglabel:Base Tree argchoice: arg:PROGRAM argtype:choice_menu arglabel:Select program to use argchoice:AxML:axml argchoice:FastdnaML:fastdnaml arg:DISPLAY_FUNC argtype:choice_menu arglabel:What to do with the tree? argchoice:ARB ('tree_fml_//'):arb_read_tree tree_fml_$$ treefile "PRG=$PROGRAM BASETREE=$TREE FILTER=$FILTER RATE=$RATES PKG=olsen/felsenstein" argchoice:Treetool:treetool treefile in:TmpInputFile informat:genbank insave: