// Menu for RAxML 8 // // User documentation in ../../GDEHELP/HELP_WRITTEN/raxml8.help // // use cases: // // - build small publication dna tree // - multiple ml searches, pick best // - run bootstraps // - import best ml tree + support values // - import consensus from bootstraps // // - build quick&dirty dna tree (or large tree) // - fast bootstraps // - import consensus // // - score given tree (=calculate likelihood) // - calc branchlens of given tree (+calculate likelihood) into new tree // - optimize given tree into new tree // - extend tree (=add species missing in tree; keep topology) // - calculate bootstrap values for existing tree // // @@@ possible use cases: // - build AA tree // - get support SH-like support values for tree // menu:Phylogeny max. Likelihood item:RAxML 8 (DNA) itemmethod: ( GOTO_LOCAL_DIR; \ RUN_IN_WINDOW(arb_raxml8.sh -p $PROTOCOL -fi "$FILTER" -it "$INPUTTREE" -m $MODEL -s "$SEED" -b $BOOTSTRAPS -r $REPEATS -nt -t "$THREADS" -f INPUTFILE -n $TREENAME $MRETREE); \ RM_LOCAL_FILES(dna.phy* RAxML_*) \ )& itemhelp:raxml8.help itemmeta:8 seqtype:N in:INPUTFILE informat:genbank insave: arg:INPUTTREE argtype:tree arglabel:Input tree argchoice: arg:PROTOCOL arglabel:Protocol argtype:choice_menu argchoice:Thorough tree search:thorough argchoice:Quick tree search:quick argchoice:Add to tree:add argchoice:Optimize tree:optimize argchoice:Calculate branchlengths:calcblen argchoice:Calculate bootstraps:bootstrap argchoice:Score tree:score arg:MODEL argtype:chooser arglabel:Model argchoice:GTRGAMMA (standard, max 10k seqs):GTRGAMMA argchoice:GTRCAT (faster, min 150 seqs):GTRCAT arg:REPEATS argtype:choice_menu arglabel:Searches\n(Thorough+Optimize only) argchoice:1:1 argchoice:5:5 argchoice:10:10 argchoice:20:20 argchoice:50:50 argchoice:100:100 arg:BOOTSTRAPS argtype:choice_menu arglabel:Bootstraps argchoice:No:no argchoice:Auto:autoMRE_IGN argchoice:5:5 argchoice:10:10 argchoice:20:20 argchoice:50:50 argchoice:100:100 argchoice:200:200 argchoice:500:500 argchoice:1000:1000 arg:MRETREE argtype:choice_menu arglabel:Compute MRE consensus tree\n(only with bootstraps) argchoice:No:-nomre argchoice:Yes: arg:TREENAME argtype:text arglabel:Tree name argtext:raxml arg:SEED argtype:text arglabel:Random seed\n(empty=use time) argtext: arg:THREADS argtype:text arglabel:CPU thread override\n(empty=autodetect) argtext: