Showing revisions from between and
Path Revision Submitter Date Changed
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branches/dev/trunk [7280] westram 2011-03-16 2483 913773 913773 undo [7278]
trunk [2] oldcode 2000-11-23 1498 540566 540566 Initial revision
trunk [10307] aboeckma 2013-07-19 116 127540 127540 added most recent version of phyml
trunk/GDE [10416] aboeckma 2013-08-07 32 114499 114499 Added mr bayes (no menu yet)
trunk [3939] yadhu 2005-09-09 7 107028 107028 RNA3D: Structure data files for RNA3D program.
trunk/GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions [10371] aboeckma 2013-07-31 141 102327 102327 updated mafft version. Added extensions (no sv...
trunk/GDE/PHYLIP [181] jobb 2001-05-04 91 81397 81397 added new phylip version
trunk/GDE [10343] aboeckma 2013-07-23 95 78611 78611 Added mafft
trunk/GDE/MAFFT [10372] aboeckma 2013-07-31 92 5 76167 76172 updated mafft version
trunk/lib/rna3d [3942] yadhu 2005-09-22 4 69197 69197 Files added to use in RNA3D program 1. 3D coor...
trunk [3945] yadhu 2005-10-12 17 147 64894 65041 Changes of RNA3D Module 1. Added New PDB data ...
trunk/GDE/PHYLIP [2175] westram 2003-11-20 123 54632 9571 64203 upgrade to PHYLIP 3.6
trunk/GDE/PHYLIP [180] jobb 2001-05-04 46 63675 63675 removed old phylip
trunk [10409] aboeckma 2013-08-06 45 31592 31512 63104 Updated raxml to current version
trunk/lib/nas/names.dat [109] westram 2001-02-09 1 46285 46285 Name-Server Reset. Deleted old names.dat Recre...
trunk/lib/nas [368] westram 2001-11-15 3 11 46255 46266 names.dat is created by Makefile from names.da...
trunk/lib/nas/names.dat [263] westram 2001-08-16 1 46210 46210 - added again (was missing in last Beta)
trunk [3429] yadhu 2004-12-03 49 76 38187 38263 *** empty log message ***
trunk/GDE/RAxML [5021] meierh 2008-01-22 39 20444 17484 37928 raxml7.0.0 introduce, RAxML5 removed
trunk [3938] yadhu 2005-09-09 5 36378 36378 RNA3D: Changed data file names !
trunk/GDE/MUSCLE [10390] aboeckma 2013-08-01 196 35330 35330 added muscle sourcles amd makefile
trunk/lib/rna3d [3644] westram 2005-02-18 25 34854 34854 - moved to lib - otherwise they don't get expo...
trunk/RNA3D/Attic/data [4200] westram 2006-10-24 3 34826 34826 - rmoved unused 3D models
trunk [5390] westram 2008-06-06 328 33822 363 34185 - TAB-Ex
trunk/lib/nas/names.dat [243] westram 2001-07-24 1 33195 33195 removed because - too big, - updated to often ...
trunk/lib/nas/names.dat [118] westram 2001-02-16 1 33043 33043 Recreated all short names
trunk/GDE/TREEPUZZLE [191] jobb 2001-05-07 52 28585 28585 treepuzzle
trunk [3927] artemov 2005-06-21 24 25964 25964 *** empty log message ***
trunk/HELP_SOURCE/oldhelp [387] westram 2001-11-26 245 24161 24161 help files prepared for hlp->xml->html convers...
trunk [18781] westram 2021-10-10 373 22401 142 21855 21997 * reintegrates 'help' into 'trunk' - relocate ...
trunk/GDE/PHYLIP/doc [2176] westram 2003-11-20 42 21561 21561 *** empty log message ***
trunk/GDE [5220] westram 2008-03-11 43 21515 21515 - removed GDE GUI applications (editor, loopto...
trunk [6366] westram 2010-01-21 513 20654 20654 * fixed whitespace (scripted)
trunk/GDE/CLUSTALW [176] jobb 2001-05-04 37 20392 20392 *** empty log message ***
trunk/GDEHELP/PHYLIP [2659] westram 2004-04-29 42 19375 19375 removed (was from old phylip version)
trunk [8205] westram 2011-11-10 79 18752 18752 merge from stable_5.0 [8203] * removed molphy ...
trunk [6280] westram 2009-11-25 161 14554 4344 11266 15610 * merge clusters branch back to trunk - merged...
trunk/PROBE_WEB [1548] richter 2003-07-23 9 15386 15386 core classes for WEB-ARB / ALLPROBES for the l...
trunk/GDE/CLUSTALW [175] jobb 2001-05-04 25 15354 15354 old version of CLUSTALW removed
trunk/GDE/PHYML [4073] westram 2006-06-23 22 14858 14858 - phyml 2.4.5
trunk/GENOM_IMPORT [4002] artemov 2006-03-23 66 3041 11492 14533 Genome Importer Version 2
trunk/GDE/MOLPHY [1888] westram 2003-09-19 24 14238 14238 removed unused sources
trunk/PROBE_WEB/CLIENT/demo.newick [1933] westram 2003-09-23 1 14130 14130 loaded from server now
trunk/NIELS_F77 [5222] westram 2008-03-11 13 13141 13141 - removed some unused Fortran code from Niels
trunk [7935] westram 2011-09-12 29 17 12744 12761 - removed outdated ptpan
trunk/ptpan [5566] boehnel 2008-10-31 26 12580 12580 Adding PTPan
trunk/GENOM_IMPORT [3212] artemov 2004-10-06 53 12135 12135 new Version
trunk/fig2dev [165] westram 2001-04-27 38 11646 11646 ARB was changed to work together with current ...
trunk/GENOM_IMPORT [3325] westram 2004-10-15 54 11590 54 11644 - added MBI copyright - removed tabs
trunk [4229] westram 2006-11-08 5 8480 3110 11590 - List of Validly Published Bacterial Names (u...